Prince Serg's son seemed an utterly normal boy, if quiet around strangers.
That question can be asked about the works that began the program, which were rearranged out of the extraordinary into the utterly normal.
At first, this rapid albeit utterly normal speed served the needs of the creature.
Janet's feelings are utterly normal, and she is in good company.
What she accomplishes, most entertainingly, is to draw the reader into extremely strange circumstances as if they were utterly normal.
When you hold people in awe, it's almost a disappointment when they come in and they're utterly normal.
He would mutter a few words in their ears, pat them on the back, and they would laugh as if everything were utterly normal.
The horror further exfoliates in the (utterly normal) physical calamity that ensues: Had she pulled on the wrong thing?
Mr. Kong, 46, an accountant, seems utterly normal when not talking about garbage.
The hallway was still clear, and as far as I could see, utterly normal.