--It was of the most atrocious kind, as decency was set at defiance, and respect for reputation, which shows internal compunction, utterly disregarded.
On our next circuit, he threatened the Italians with the weapon; but they rowed on stolidly, keeping splendid stroke and utterly disregarding him.
Maybe that explains teenagers' ability to utterly disregard prices when discussing the things they "need" with their parents.
It utterly disregards context like some ancient copy of NaturallySpeaking and so you get really weird mistakes.
When he rejoined his company, a second machine-gun opened fire and again the intrepid soldier went forward, utterly disregarding his own safety.
Half a dozen pairs of arms reached out to help him, utterly disregarding his words: "It's all right.
Instead of retreat- ing it moved straight at me, utterly disregarding the others and the torches they jabbed at it.
I often vow to myself that I will utterly disregard every statement made by any one who has not shown the world he can observe accurately.
The truth is that fundamental freedoms are being systematically and utterly disregarded, and, with them, our own commitments.
Utterly disregarding a cautionary glance from Mr. Whitney, he turned his monocle upon the speaker, glaring at him in contemptuous silence for a moment.