It was faintly sparkling, slightly bitter and utterly delicious.
"How utterly delicious, my lovel It will be a pleasure to deliver him to you just as you ask."
It scowls on foreigners, it's open only for lunch, and the food is utterly delicious.
As an end result you produce something utterly delicious.
Our creations may not have been fashionable but they were, and are, utterly delicious to eat.
And so we'll never really be able to prove our food supremacy to the world with Toad-in-the-hole, no matter how utterly delicious it is.
All of it has been pristine, vibrant and utterly delicious.
The blessed shade inundated them and for an instant it seemed utterly delicious.
Please let us make it somewhere exciting, disreputable and utterly delicious.
The water was warm, tasteless as distilled water, and utterly delicious.