And among the women, I was partial to dark, gothy, utterly compelling Kourtni.
More high-profile contract-cast were killed off during this grisly but utterly compelling storyline, leaving viewers wondering who was going to be killed-off next.
The utterly compelling force of the man.
It was a terrifying but utterly compelling vision of destruction.
Utterly compelling, it builds to amazing seasonal showdowns, with plenty of black humour and bitingly horrifying moments that can be hard to watch.
He has an idiomatic technique that players have to adjust to, but he is an utterly compelling musician.
Especially we must not confuse statistical probability with some transcendental and utterly compelling force.
Writing for The Independent, Geoffrey Macnab said the film was "utterly compelling viewing".
With his warm and husky voice and vivid delivery of the text, he gave an utterly compelling performance.
Kirk found the competition utterly compelling and he couldn't take his eyes off the fighters.