The show received generally poor reviews from critics after its premiere, including "utterly awful", "a new low for television" and "probably the worst programme ever screened in primetime".
"You're utterly awful," Nancylee said.
At 11:49 30th Nov 2011, IainH wrote: Utterly awful in just about every way imaginable.
How utterly awful!
"I feel utterly awful!"
Barclay claims "it was and is utterly awful".
Awful, completely and utterly awful.
Phrases like "utterly awful in every way imaginable" are, I think, getting a bit hyperbolic.
It doesn't make everyones life brilliant but it at least goes a long way to stop some peoples lives being truly and utterly awful.
The idea we are going to allow these institutions - banks, the Queen, the House of Representatives - to have more secrecy is utterly awful.