He then showed her with great pride some utterly appalling objects which were used to persuade customers to buy their products.
Oxford St is just an extended bus terminal/taxi rank - utterly appalling shopping experience.
Here the line dividing the rich and poor was so sharp as to be utterly appalling.
Look, honestly, I don't think I'll make any utterly appalling mistakes.
She is utterly appalling, and even worse as a director.
It is in complete contrast to the Swedish approach, which I find utterly appalling.
The fact that the Commission does not believe it has had time to carry out a thorough impact assessment of such a comprehensive proposal is utterly appalling.
The violence that was used against the opponents and, in particular, women, is utterly appalling and unacceptable.
The effect of this apparition on the persons present was utterly appalling.
Roald Dahl regarded the film as "utterly appalling" because of the ending that contrasted with the book.