Overall demoralizing living conditions which led to a feeling of utter poverty and hopelessness.
She can give nothing to the house and Willie is always in a state of utter poverty.
The evil is certainly not prevented there; for oligarchies have both the extremes of great wealth and utter poverty.
He died in 1979, aged ninety two, in utter poverty.
Being inclined to drinking, he did not save much for the family and Varghese, the fifth child was brought up in utter poverty.
The only way you can go is in utter poverty, with empty hands, with no possessions.
Dogged by utter poverty, Merezhkovsky still managed to finish the novel.
But in the streets, you see utter poverty.
It makes it impossible to reduce the proportion of the population living in utter poverty.
Pugni died in utter poverty, and at his death his large family was completely destitute.