A human baby generally utters its first word by the age of 18 months.
How easy it is to believe the truth when uttered by the lips of those we love!
Sitting here, hanging on every word uttered by a machine that's trying to act like a man two hundred years dead!
Callous and crude, even when uttered by those of us who like him?
Opinions uttered in front of the television by a warm fire are not adequate to the truth about this conflict.
There is a soft, more complex subsong, uttered by a male in social situation or when alone.
My charge is $100 a word -whether uttered by the escort or me.
And he spoke, the first intentional sounds uttered by any of the three since they had been beamed on board.
Uttered most often by folks like me: "Isn't this quaint?"
But only when uttered by someone who had finished 4th or 8th or 48th, someone on his way up.