And where "Lifes Rich Pageant" hinted at utopian possibilities, "Document" is dire and dystopian, especially on side 1 - which rocks hard anyway.
Residents of this state, musicians not excepted, have always had a genius for selling utopian possibilities, signposts to an unseen paradise.
They too have their vision of human dignity, their grand plans, their notion of utopian possibilities.
Like many other artists of the day, Roszak was interested in industrial forms not only for their own sake but also as an expression of the utopian possibilities of technology and design.
Nowhere is this sense of the utopian possibilities suggested by abstract form more apparent than in the photograms that Roszak produced from 1937 to 1941, 20 of which are included here.
His speeches extolling the utopian possibilities of communism, although also describing the mistakes he saw, drew attention from Chiang Kai-sheks's police.
For artists of the Russian Revolution, Rodchenko's radical action was full of utopian possibility.
The Bauhaus-based "Good Design" esthetic promoted by the design department, after all, was based on the ideal of standardization, on the utopian possibility that industrial production could bring beauty to all.
For enthusiasts, digital distribution presents utopian possibilities.
In any case, Aspen's "Paepckeinspired air of utopian possibility" became a magnet in the 1960's and 70's for hippies, counterculture types and people intent on shedding their pasts and reinventing themselves.