It's a utopian notion that every outrage must have a solution, and that armed intervention is a useful way to reshuffle the Arab political stage.
Among the various utopian notions perpetrated in this century, several have been intent on bringing good design to the masses.
And he has decided that the Israeli public cannot unite around a utopian notion of peacemaking.
Theories of what he calls plebiscitary democracy assume romantic and utopian notions of human nature and society.
Republicans have their own utopian notions, which generally involve letting loose the free market for Americans to demand better care on their own.
Although profits were Pullman's main concern, he had his utopian notions.
Implicit in their mix-and-match aesthetics is the utopian notion that all of world cinema is up for grabs.
Many artists of that time were drawn to the utopian notion of a medium that was easily reproducible and therefore democratic and widely accessible.
While it grappled with such pragmatic issues, the conference also featured more utopian notions.
It was not lost on him that some of his utopian notions were naive.