Mannheim distinguishes this form of ideology from what he calls 'utopian ideology'.
Rather than supporting the status quo, the way things are, utopian ideologies advocate a complete change in the structure of society.
As their name suggests, utopian ideologies are based on a vision of an ideal society, a perfect social system.
Like the ideologies of ruling groups, he argues that utopian ideologies are a way of seeing the world which prevents true insight and obscures reality.
It has often been argued that Marxism is largely based on a utopian ideology, functionalism on a ruling ideology.
These hijackers felt injustice, and were bound, like a cult, by a utopian ideology developed by a charismatic leader.
It is also why democracy, which presumes disagreement and transformation, is not a utopian ideology.
This, after all, was the source of the tyranny, the epicenter of the utopian ideology in whose name freedoms were crushed and economies were crippled on two continents.
In Gray's vision, utopian ideologies are dark comedies of unintended consequences.
Although the PRI has been compared to Communist parties, it has been guided by pragmatism and has never had a guiding utopian ideology.