I also tell you, with the utmost regret, because I am aware that you have another interest in this - in this matter.
In the circumstances, I have had no choice but to request - with the utmost regret - that he tender his resignation.
On increasing income tax, he said: 'One would see a change in that with the utmost regret.
China expressed "utmost regret and indignation" today over the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to the Dalai Lama, saying the exiled Tibetan leader was working to undermine national unity.
Murray's persona in print is that of the burdened researcher coming to his disturbing conclusions with the utmost regret; but at the moment, he seems to be having the time of his life.
In this manner I used to look upon my condition with the utmost regret.
It is therefore with the utmost regret, disappointment and heartfelt disbelief that we have to file for liquidation, which means the end of a dream and an era for all of us.
It is with the utmost regret I have to tell you, M. Boirac, that your wife was undoubtedly murdered by strangulation.
This I do with utmost regret, but my endeavours to preserve constitutional government in Fiji have proved in vain, and I can see no alternative way forward.
I have the utmost regret that the rapporteur has distanced herself from this.