Originally produced as a limited series, the first volume of Anarky utilized previously established characters to guest star in each issue.
Penman utilizes characters who are in conflict and develops them well.
Unlike traditional animation software, the possibilities for a user are limited - scenes will always utilise (at most) characters, cars, rooms and other common objects.
His English-language works utilize primarily Afrikaner characters and highlight the many contradictions in Afrikaner society during the first half of the twentieth century.
Because fan films generally utilize characters and storylines copyrighted and trademarked by the original filmmakers, they are rarely distributed commercially for legal reasons.
Rokenbok also does not utilize licensed characters or cartoons.
His first novel which did not utilize characters from Flabbergasted, A Pagan's Nightmare, was then published on October 25, 2006.
Story director Joseph Staten penned a detective story utilizing film noir designs, settings, and characters.
It is best known for its unusually difficult platforming elements, unorthodox level design and utilizing sound effects, characters and music from many other games.
It was published as a five-part story utilizing characters featured in James Cameron's popular film, The Terminator.