Human Powered Machines produces many types of vehicles including recumbents, utility trailers, folding bicycles, hand-powered vehicles and farm machines.
Some mowers have a simple connection at the rear to pull a small utility trailer around.
The HRP also utilizes five radar trailers, four utility trailers, and a bomb trailer.
In April 1986 our 29-year-old son met a lorry coming from the opposite direction with a very heavy utility trailer in tow.
Their origins lay in utility trailers built in a similar fashion to horse-drawn wagons.
Other trailers, such as utility trailers and travel trailers or campers come in single and multiple axle varieties, to allow for varying sizes of tow vehicles.
They may be designed specifically to carry motorcycles, with ramps and tie-downs, or may be a utility trailer adapted permanently or occasionally to haul one or more motorcycles.
On the next page, we'll take a deeper look at the accessories you can buy for your utility trailer.
Pronar also specializes in the production of municipal products (communal tractors, utility trailers, sweepers, snow plows, front loaders complete with alternative facilities).
He later stole an SUV attached to a utility trailer, drove it through a residential neighborhood, and jack-knifed the truck and trailer in a resident's front yard.