A utility spokesman said that Amtrak's problem might have been a result of breakdown in its own electrical system.
But government officials and utility spokesmen in that band of states disputed the rate survey findings.
Ray Hull, a utility spokesman, said full power might take days to restore.
John Ward, a utility spokesman, said the company was expected to appeal the citations, for which it could receive civil penalties of up to $340,000.
The project should begin in 1994, according to Bruce Simons, a utility spokesman.
"Some proposals will take another few years to negotiate," said Mr. Davis, the utility spokesman.
It caused a short circuit but no permanent damage, said Charles F. Moran, a utility spokesman.
"We haven't decided yet," Mr. Mahony, the utility spokesman, said.
Even after power returned to most of the buildings in the area, two remained without electricity into the afternoon, a utility spokesman said.
With large segments of the distribution systems down, utility spokesmen said it might be days, or even next weekend, before full power was restored.