In November 2009, pre-construction activities, such as utility relocation, planning and geotechnical investigations began for the Davis Drive rapidway.
Design, utility relocation and construction combined, for the $484 million project is expected to take 3 years to complete.
Land acquisition and utility relocation took place in 2004.
Construction on below-ground utility relocations, footings, and foundations for the building began on April 27, 2006.
If funding is arranged, utility relocation would start in 2014 and construction in 2015.
The Phase 1A entailed site work, constructing building foundations, utility relocation and structural steel placement for the connector building.
Construction began with utility relocation; the MTA anticipated completing this step in eight months, but was not finished 14 months after commencement.
Contracts for utility relocation, grading, and drainage work were awarded at OTA's November 16 meeting.
The cost of this section was expected to be $1.5 billion, a figure which includes utility relocation, right of way, design and construction.
As of December 2006, land acquisition and utility relocations are underway in all five sub-sections.