The money was paid to a former utility employee who said he had information implicating a commission official in connection with allegations that have not been disclosed.
Police officers, firefighters, ambulance drivers, utility employees and transit workers have families too.
They include lawyers, artists, writers, business owners, utility employees and teachers; about half are retired.
The town is astir with rumors that utility employees have threatened to boycott other businesses with connections to the mural society.
During the several days required for utility employees to repair this line, power was imported from the United States over the 500 kV interconnection.
She invented a "grass-roots" organization, made up of utility employees and union members, to agitate for a cheaper coal-burning plant.
He said investigations showed that the two men managed to lay the cord by posing as public utility employees.
Perform your duties as the expert mechanics and utility employees you all are.
"They have the power to stop it because their duty is to maintain law and order," said Simon Mazibuko, 32, a electrical utility employee.
On Wednesday, two utility employees who were working nearby slipped into the building during a break.