Private utilities, also called investor-owned utilities, are owned by investors.
There is also a utility called SplashyCreator that provides a graphical way of configuring themes.
So that's one of the reasons I'm doing a follow-on utility called DEPuty.
Steve is a security expert and also the author of a great utility called SpinRite that everybody needs for hard drive maintenance and recovery.
Which is why I recommend a simple little command-line utility called "wget".
This is done with a utility called py2exe that leverages Python's distutils framework.
A utility called Krunch was included in the package to "clean up" the disk by moving files until they were all consecutively stored again.
For the third drive we turned to a free utility called Darik's Boot and Nuke.
There is an experimental utility called gnome-tweak-tool that provides access to a number of other settings, including font and theme preferences.
A utility called raw can be used to bind a raw device to an existing block device.