They rejected any philosophical or legal naturalism and furthered Jeremy Bentham's utilitarian philosophy.
These included Mohism (a utilitarian philosophy), Taoism, Legalism (a school of thought based on the supremacy of the state), and Confucianism.
Humans were not Vulcans, and they had a peculiar love-hate relationship with such obvious, logical, utilitarian philosophy.
It was a utilitarian political philosophy that did not address higher questions like the purpose and nature of life.
Senator, I'm not going to argue utilitarian philosophy with you.
Over the past few decades, Mr. Singer's own utilitarian philosophy regarding the value of life has inspired an outpouring of outrage.
What bothered him tonight had its basis in that utilitarian philosophy.
John Stuart Mill was a pupil of Bentham's and was the torch bearer for utilitarian philosophy through the late nineteenth century.
The Classical School, which developed in the mid 18th century, was based on utilitarian philosophy.
The Englishman Jeremy Bentham (1749-1932), the main founder of the utilitarian philosophy, was also a major penal thinker and reformer.