The Chinese have long valued ivory for both art and utilitarian objects.
But perhaps a harder one at the time was the creation of utilitarian objects that everyday people could embrace.
Our hands are utilitarian objects, utensils limited to their function.
By using utilitarian objects in interesting design patterns, the architects were able to come up with something artistic but not too costly.
Are the buyers getting utilitarian objects or artworks produced in a limited edition of 1,001?
"As commodities, women are thus two things at once: utilitarian objects and bearers of value."
The result is an engaging assemblage, which looks like a comment on the way time can transform a utilitarian object into a work of art.
Her father's simple, utilitarian objects made from clay were an early connection to the earth.
A utilitarian object, from the soil of the ground.
Through his work, those utilitarian objects become objects of art.