It was demolished in 1911 and replaced by a much more utilitarian building.
The door, a huge black slab of metal at the mouth of this utilitarian building, loomed ahead.
It will be a tenant, albeit the major one, in a more utilitarian building that someone else owns.
In addition, and more fundamentally, good design makes utilitarian and functional buildings possible.
It is a utilitarian building and has had various changes required by the users, not always sympathetic.
Inside was a utilitarian wooden building, and a field of corn.
It was a utilitarian building, and yet it had a certain elegance to it.
Inside, we saw barracks and many utilitarian buildings.
It is a massive campus - about 27,000 students, huge utilitarian concrete buildings.
According to Caldwell, "no structure could have spoken more eloquently for the new city than this purely utilitarian" building.