In uterine smooth muscle, there is approximately 6-fold more actin than myosin.
Ultrasound also can help show whether cancer has grown into the uterine muscle (myometrium).
A woman's uterine muscles, rather than her abdominal muscles, are first to sense fetal motion.
Together they depicted normal uterine muscle lined with disintegrated mucosa.
If the first attempt is unsuccessful, turning the baby may be tried again with an epidural pain medication to help relax the uterine muscles.
Normally, contraction of the uterine muscle compresses the vessels and reduces flow.
After first using medicine to relax the mother's uterine muscles, a doctor presses on specific areas of her abdomen to turn the fetus.
Similarly it relaxes uterine smooth muscle and this may increase blood loss during delivery or termination of pregnancy.
One or more incisions may be set into the uterine muscle and are repaired once the fibroid has been removed.
She couldn't feel but she could see the action of the uterine muscles, and she adjusted her breathing accordingly.