None of the laws passed or the Precedent case law created using the usurped powers has any effect in law.
Lothair died at Turin, perhaps poisoned by Berengar, who attempted to cement his usurped political power in Lombardy by forcing Lothair's widow to marry his son Adalbert.
It was not clear whether Prince Sihanouk's coalition government would have shared power, turned over power to or usurped power from the National Assembly - an uncertainty that worried United Nations officials.
Help to wrest the usurped power Which Charissa justly claims!
On 1 September 1670 he was given licence as John James, of Tripleton, "to remain in and about London and Westminster, although an officer in the army of the late usurped powers.
One military junta after another usurped power from its predecessor, setting a pattern of political strife that haunts the nation to this day.
Specifically, following the arrest of Congressman Matthew Lyon, Haswell published an advertisement for a lottery intended to raise the fine levied against Lyon, decrying the "oppressive hand of usurped power" from a "hard-hearted savage."
He feared the presence of prominent Umayyad exiles in Ifriqiya, a family more illustrious than his own, might become a focal point for intrigue among local nobles against his own usurped powers.
Wrest from him the usurped power Which the Blue One justly claims!
Ah, Sire, show yourself to France such as you are; reassume your usurped power.