Kierun exclaimed, shocked out of his usual shyness.
The usual initial shyness, he trying to be the big man, she laughing up her sleeve at him.
It surprised Megan that her shy sister answered him without her usual shyness.
She smiled at the professor with none of her usual shyness and Megan stared in surprise and pleasure.
'As you should when working with unfamiliar machinery,' Rojer said but grinned so proudly down at her that, for once, she didn't retreat into her usual shyness.
"I had an idea," said Udd, and then stopped, with his usual shyness in front of a group.
He was talking to the guide, his usual shyness gone, leaning forward to look through the plexiglass bubble at the forest around us.
At the same time, she felt a little of her usual shyness stir.
She was breathless and seemed unable to stop talking, her usual shyness melted away by relief.
He nodded at me, flustered with his usual shyness, and fidgeted with his umbrella and briefcase.