Although Ravenna was Valentinian's usual residence, he and the court eventually moved back to Rome, where he was as Attila approached.
The exporter's usual residence was on Long Island.
To dream that you are a tourist, denotes that you will engage in some pleasurable affair which will take you away from your usual residence.
Where an individual uses services may be more useful and this is at their usual, or de jure, residence.
In Census 2010, people were counted at their "usual residence", a principle followed in each census since 1790.
People without a usual residence, however, were counted where they were staying on Census Day.
In the 2006 census Tregear had 3813 people listing Tregear as their usual residence.
From this piazza the wondering Ichabod entered the hall, which formed the centre of the mansion and the place of usual residence.
In many countries, notably the USA, censuses are de jure, i.e. a person is enumerated in respect of his or her 'usual' residence.
The Census Bureau bases its decision about whom to count on the concept of usual residence.