It is lit by a central sun which also annihilates the usual magic.
The usual magic is everywhere you look, from 5-foot zinnias to a 15-foot topiary giraffe.
Mimi Gross has worked her usual magic with the costumes, which are both lusciously pretty and tell one something about the dance.
Not even the sight of Selina waiting for him behind the fanlight worked its usual magic.
"Just the usual magic," she said wryly, and bent to Dawn's head again.
After listening for a while, J.B. did his usual magic and the door opened with a minimum of fuss.
Her calm, reasonable voice worked its usual magic on Andersen.
When she looked at herself she found the usual magic had worked.
Baakari Wilder works his usual magic in a few sadly abbreviated tap numbers.
It still smelled of him, but even that wasn't working its usual magic.