Around him, feather-like flakes of snow settled on the sidewalks, on the shoulders of passers-by, and drifted into the traffic, slowing and softening the usual hustle of the morning rush.
Beneath the usual hustle and clamor, Noon sensed darker impulses at work.
Tired of the usual American academic hustle, broken up with a girlfriend decides to escape to the Great American Northwest, land of good coffee, delicious grunge rock, fresh air, and wonderful smelling beer.
Music blared out of shops; there was all the usual hustle and bustle of a city.
Enjoy the tea and the education, without the usual hustle; here the selection speaks for itself.
It had been a long day, filled with the usual hustle and bustle of running a starship, and preparation for the star system they'd be entering the following morning.
It would fill up to maybe a third of its usual hustle and bustle on Monday, when the first three-week summer session started, but for today, Thad found himself feeling a trifle relieved to have his police guard with him.
This was the perfect opportunity to discuss some administrative matters with her, before the usual hustle and bustle of sickbay life arose to distract her.
The usual hustle: we'll read Lady Murasaki if they let in James and Emerson.