The people started walking out, and the usual greetings were called from the waiting area.
After the usual greetings, Land asked, "Got your gadget handy?"
Nancy happened to answer the ring and after the usual greetings was amazed to hear Hannah say, "I'd like to speak to your father."
"I wish permission to return to my home," she said after the usual greetings had been exchanged.
This would explain why Paul's usual personal greetings are absent: these could not be included in a letter sent to several different churches.
Adrian asked me, in lieu of the usual greetings.
Even Sophia had not appeared to give her usual loving greetings to her husband.
After the usual greetings, their conversation goes like this: Woman one: I haven't seen you all summer.
They get the usual personal greetings addressed to "Occupant," and the utility bills, of course, but that's it.
The usual greetings were exchanged, and the dialogue began in the purest Saxon.