This one, cobbled together in a rush and lacking the Corporation's usual finesse, was about to unravel like a cheap sweater.
Here the old man seemed to falter, though he filled the moment with his usual finesse by unstrapping and removing his helm.
Nevertheless, that night he performed sloppily and selfishly, and Lisa missed his usual finesse.
He'll have to forgo his usual finesse today.
Variety magazine lauded the film and wrote, "Undercurrent is heavy drama with femme appeal...Hepburn sells her role with usual finesse and talent.
Showing his usual finesse with regard to women, Oliver Stone's favoured approach is 'Why are you wearing this?
While he never followed through with a woman, Uncle Len did manage to extricate himself with his usual finesse.
"Uh-" he said, with his usual social finesse.
Anyway, Waterbury, showing his usual finesse, was pushing things along, and he declared, "All right, that's settled."
In "Closing Time," he writes with his usual caustic finesse, this time about growing up Irish and poor in Philadelphia in the 1950s and '60s.