The Kreel blinked in astonishment, unable to summon any of their usual bluster and arrogance.
Rick's usual bluster had vanished, replaced by a boyish eagerness.
"That's a very complicated explanation," he said in Spanish, speaking calmly and lacking his usual bluster.
There was none of the usual bluster the big black man was so good at projecting.
Many officials regarded Chase's threat as part of the usual bluster employed by companies seeking subsidies.
The Zakdorn hastened to comply, his usual bluster all but gone now as he stood in front of his employer.
There was the usual bluster, along with the standard threats and the required braggadocio.
Sandra," said he, with no trace of his usual bluster, "I can't.
When the Yankees' principal owner realized that his rendevous with Witt was no longer a secret, he reacted without his usual bluster.
Her husband, his usual noisy bluster gone, sat next to her, holding a totally unresponsive hand.