It allows users to integrate these manufacturing applications with enterprise-level Ethernet networks and the Internet.
Once a user integrates their Spotify account with other social media profiles, they are able to access their friends' favorite music and playlists.
The (XML based) markup language allows users to integrate their own personal content.
The app could include tools to help users integrate:
The cloud-based platform allows users to build, integrate and deploy web and mobile applications.
Approved users can also integrate their schmaps and schnaps into the real-time guides for greater exposure.
The great majority of contemporary spectrometers use a mixture of commercially available and bespoke components which users integrate according to their particular needs.
These users have now integrated the wiki into kaioo.
Its services allow users to customize Facebook pages, integrate services from other websites and organize giveaways.
Many users and software vendors have integrated flash memory into their systems to allow systems to scale to larger datasets more economically.