The user focused their eyes on the background, where the screen appeared to be floating.
These medicines help users to focus their thoughts and ignore distractions.
The user both focuses and moves the area in focus by squeezing and bending the lens.
These novel contact lenses allow users to focus simultaneously on objects that are close up and far away.
The display has high speed zooming and panning to allow the user a quickly focus on the area of interest.
Instead, Sugar's default full-screen activities require users to focus on only one program at a time.
Certain image features in example images may override the concept that the user is really focusing on.
To allow users to focus on the text, the software doesn't have any on-screen icons or navigation devices.
Rothstein argues that to be able to see the wood through the trees, users should focus on 'common systems concepts,' rather than open systems.
The user focuses the camera and then presses the shutter button.