By providing a text area in addition to the rating system, a user can express specific shortcomings.
Many users also expressed misgivings over the meeting's purpose, believing that the conference was organized to secure foreign interests.
The user can than express a goal, such as that of possibly according to some optimality measure.
Many users expressed frustration after some customers were accidentally given up to $13 million in buying power on April 1, 2009.
Many users have expressed dislike over the changes to the game which requires gold to use.
But the attraction no doubt goes deeper than the users can express.
One user expressed concern over using services; he expressed this as 'technofear'.
Some users have expressed concern about the app detecting very small or inexistent movements.
The site then sorts the events by metropolitan area and shows which users have expressed an interest in them.
As no users have yet expressed interest in the aircraft, the project is currently proceeding at a low pace.