A common example of such a situation is when a user encounters a term in a web page or document, and wants to look it up.
Sometimes users may encounter a group of stars.
Many users have indeed encountered such errors, which no amount of extra memory can fix.
After finding the artist, album or track, user can encounter three types of button signs:
But blind users encounter problems when Web sites fail to design pages compatible with screen readers.
However, this simulation differed from the conditions that the user would encounter with an Optacon in the real world.
A user may also encounter the feeling of experiencing the life of someone else, or having had all possible experiences simultaneously.
But many early users of video-sharing services have encountered frustrations with other means of distribution.
Some users have encountered technical problems, many of which center around the webcam and built-in microphone.
Product developers answer questions about design and suggest solutions to interface problems users have encountered.