The following user describes the dilemma that faced his parents:
A user of described how the California database helped her mother find long-lost family members.
Several users have described it, roughly, as a "profound feeling of general discomfort".
The procedures often need to be updated during training as users describe their unique circumstances and the "design" is modified with this additional information.
Although the game still has players, users have described it as everything from "dead" to "a ghost town."
McXtrace works in the way that a user describes his/her beamline in a special file.
Several users described the game as "not so impressive".
Finally, there was an "Additional Comments" section where users could further describe what they were looking for in a roommate.
Many users have described the experience like living in a movie.
Note that some users do not sense color fringing directly but will just describe 'off-axis blurriness'.