The app allows users to consume their web summaries from iOS mobile devices.
Currently, 60 million users consume apps from the marketplace on a daily basis.
At first, the interaction was limited as users were consuming the content.
Not all users consume ephedra in search of euphoria.
Some users consume supplemental magnesium tablets to relax the jaw muscles and relieve clenching, although this practice has not been formally studied.
Online encyclopedias such as Wikipedia allow for users to create rather than just consume knowledge and information.
Because crack is an illicit drug, users may consume impure or fake ("bunk") drug, which may pose additional health risks.
In an hour-long smoking session of hookah, users consume about 100 to 200 times the volume of smoke of a cigarette.
Downstream users now consume 16.5 million acre-feet of water, but on average only 15 million acre-feet flow into the system each year, he said.
"Our users consume a disproportionately larger number of downloads," he said.