Dage has introduced an improved version of its disposable user comfort and increased protective coverall, offering enhanced protection for a variety of industrial and commercial applications.
It is intended to greatly increase user comfort through the use of lightweight, moisture-wicking, and breathable fabrics.
All three fabrics feature 4-way stretch for enhanced performance and user comfort.
Rotating auxilliary handle and soft grip main handle for user comfort and to avoid fatigue.
For commercial applications like store entrances, user comfort dictates low face velocities, which reduce effectiveness of separation of exterior air from interior air.
The main goal in wearing earmolds is to attain better user comfort and efficiency.
To help reduce fatigue and improve user comfort, this trimmer is equipped with an anti-vibration system and weighs 11.5 lbs fully assembled (with the grass trimmer head).
While not backlit, the Twist's island-style keyboard is spill-resistant and has U-shaped chiclet-style keys in order to enhance user comfort.
These conserve energy, eliminate sky glare and optimise user comfort.
I think a lot of the love for the iPhone's UI is just user comfort.