I hope that the NHS will stop wasting taxpayers money on these useless products.
Foisting useless products, peddled via stereotype and manipulation, is a far more egregious act than is burning the flag.
In other cases, people have unwittingly self-treated serious diseases with useless herbal products and thus delayed a correct diagnosis and effective medical care.
Fly-by-night companies produced dangerous or useless products, including one ubiquitous contraption that promised to make people taller.
Miller goes back to auditioning for food commercials and other infomercials for useless products.
"This is a useless product," she said of olestra.
The best marketing in the world cannot force people to pay for a useless product.
Thus, countless consumers are wasting their money on useless products or jeopardizing their health on hazardous ones.
In monetary economics, fiat money is an intrinsically useless product, used as a means of payment.
Looking on this list of comments, it would appear this useless product has other satisfied customers like me.