Entertainment Weekly wrote that, "Secrets offers an elegantly simple interface and tons of useful tidbits for amateurs.
He turned his attention to other bar patrons, searching for useful tidbits.
Thank you, Commander; that's a useful tidbit.
They have been attending weekly classes, learning such useful tidbits as the proper way to give and receive a business card in Japan.
I tweeted a thank you this morning, telling everyone that I will continue posting important and useful tidbits whenever I'm able to.
Nearly every page has some useful or provocative tidbit, particularly for the would-be historical novelist.
"During our embassy visit today, just before you ask him whether there are any other useful tidbits of information he thinks we should know."
And Mr. D. could bank some useful tidbits while encouraging the use of a little creme fraiche here and there.
- eg: pufferfish) I'm sure we'll eventually discover more useful tidbits in the desert.
Mr. Hirsch's book is lean reading; it's filled with superb illustrations and useful tidbits of information.