The most beneficial or useful comparisons are those of people that are in the same category as ourselves.
To give you useful comparisons, every machine is tested according to the same criteria:
It isn't a useful comparison, because one is real, and the other is imaginary.
It will turn out that as r increases, the two sequences will become similar enough to allow useful comparisons.
In addition to works of the same subject by other artists, Pontormo's own work from the time provides a useful comparison.
In this way you can make more sense of the facts by having useful comparisons.
There are no such useful comparisons for the Chedworth mosaic.
Those are useful comparisons, so long as we remember that's all they are.
For all the useful comparisons that can be made with other empires, the Russian system had its own characteristics.
While raw figures do not make useful comparisons, the number of crimes per resident do.