Some compounds are considered to be sources of "CH", and this simplification is used pervasively in organic chemistry.
Although the competing GTK+ toolkit is still used pervasively throughout Maemo 5, it will be largely displaced by Qt in Maemo 6-the next iteration of the platform.
Another major technical change to Opera's underpinnings is that the Vega drawing library is now used pervasively throughout the browser for all rendering.
For some boys and men, bubba is used so pervasively that it replaces the given name.
VML is pervasively used in MS Office 2007 (and later version) documents (i.e. Word, Excel and Powerpoint documents).
Although GCD is now open for widespread adoption, there are technical and licensing barriers that could prevent it from being used pervasively on alternate platforms.
Even though it has been used pervasively in datacenters for the past few years, virtualization isn't standing still.
So the concern about Windows filesharing being used pervasively in a home isn't something that anyone needs to worry about.
These structures give rise to a volume form, and also the cross product, which is used pervasively in vector calculus.
During my recent tests of the N8, I often found myself thinking that the whole experience would be better if Qt was used pervasively in the bundled applications.