The language is also used liturgically by the primarily Arabic speaking followers of the Maronite, Syriac Catholic Church and some Melkite Christians.
These terms are generally used to describe the rabbinic fasts, although tzom is used liturgically to refer to Yom Kippur as well.
Other, more modern English translations, such as this one, exist and are also used in Catholic churches liturgically.
The date is always between 19 March and 22 April inclusive, but these dates fall on different days depending on whether the Gregorian or Julian calendar is used liturgically.
The phrase "unworthy servant" in the last verse of the parable is widely used liturgically, such as in the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom.
Pope Theodore's expression was in a letter that he wrote, not in the Creed, which was not yet used liturgically in Rome.
This order is important, because it is the order in which the modes are used liturgically.
They were performed at private houses, academies, and courts of noblemen in Italy and adjacent countries, but almost certainly were not used liturgically.
Flabella were originally used liturgically in the West as well as the East, but their use in the Mass was discontinued in the Latin Church about the fourteenth century.
In Western Christianity, Psalm 51 (using the Masoretic numbering) is also used liturgically.