Used excessively, they can produce a noticeably unpleasant taste and smell.
His abilities include use of his guns, swords, and teleporter, which will malfunction if used excessively.
It was thought that the polyneuropathy was a direct result of the toxic effect alcohol had on peripheral nerves when used excessively.
However, this causes stress on the tree if it is used excessively, and eventually kills it.
However, where it is used excessively it can be an expensive and inefficient way of organising work.
They can also cause damage if they are excessively used during treatment or in other ways applied to living beings, by radiation poisoning.
If used excessively, it can cause stomach and kidney problems.
Some authorities consider the use of vocal fry in speech a dysphonia, while others consider it so only if it is used excessively.
If used excessively, caffeine can be too stimulating and cause anxiety, sleep problems, muscle twitching, or abdominal pain.
When used excessively, topical anesthetics can cause severe and irreversible damage to corneal tissues and even loss of the eye.