The term "dogmatic" is often used disparagingly to refer to any belief that is held stubbornly and without evidence.
The term is also used disparagingly to describe younger people who are perceived to favour spending their evenings in or to follow pursuits seen as middle-aged.
But it notes that the word is "now often used disparagingly to connote deception or distortion."
The term fluffernutter has sometimes been used disparagingly to describe something that lacks substance and has minimal to no cultural value.
The term means a kiss but was used disparagingly, as in to kiss off .
Used disparagingly by bookmakers of their customers, especially those placing small bets.
The term "dogmatic" can be used disparagingly to refer to any belief that is held stubbornly, including political and scientific beliefs.
Sometimes the term is used disparagingly, intended to deride Canada, or make it appear as an unimportant neighbor.
The term "Bourbon" was mostly used disparagingly, by critics complaining of old-fashioned viewpoints.
The term is usually used disparagingly.