She then uses the name 'Jane' with the intention of referring to the child Jane's mother referred to.
It uses formal art elements with the intention of expressing innate cultural or physical deaf experience.
Little machinery was used with the intention of creating manual labor in depressed economic times.
It has been alleged that Gray used his camera with the intention of taking photographs of a wounded soldier.
This jab gives a fighter high mobility and is often used with the intention of scoring points.
It is used mainly in non-small cell lung cancer with the intention of curing the patient.
Cellon was used with the intention of making the aircraft partially transparent and so less visible.
These procedures are used to generate resources, with the intention to utilize those for more productive activities, and prevent financial losses.
Models are most often used with the intention of describing a set of data.
Michot used an apple as his logo, with the intention of putting students and teachers first in the educational process.