Strip off the old paint, using a chemical paint and varnish remover.
A. You can use a semipaste chemical paint and varnish remover, but you will have to work carefully to avoid dripping onto the painted trim and siding underneath, since any drips will require that these be repainted.
A. Your best bet is to strip off all finish down to the bare wood, using a chemical paint and varnish remover.
A. Many owners of older houses have done this by using a chemical paint and varnish remover.
If a regular stripper does not get the wax off, you may have to use a stronger solvent and cleaner, or even a chemical paint and varnish remover.
I think the only thing you can do now is remove all the paint, using a chemical paint and varnish remover.
Paint and varnish can be removed by sanding and scraping, by using an electric paint remover (a heat gun) or by using a chemical paint and varnish remover.
Wait till the heat is off and the radiator is cool, then take all the old paint off down to the bare metal, using a chemical paint and varnish remover.
The easiest way to do this is by using a semi-paste paint and varnish remover.
A. In my opinion the best and quickest way would be to use a nonflammable semipaste paint and varnish remover.