She led several research projects on sharks using acoustic and satellite telemetry.
Your heart rhythm may be checked continuously using telemetry while you exercise, or your heart may be monitored at regular intervals.
In Africa, he used telemetry to track okapi, giraffe-like animals, in remote areas of Zaire to chart their behavior.
This can be accomplished using slip rings, wireless telemetry, or rotary transformers.
Flight controllers work at computer consoles and use telemetry to monitor various technical aspects of a space mission in real time.
Older systems worked similarly, using "telemetry."
Science Is Keeping Tabs Using sophisticated telemetry, the scientists have been locating the caribou every day, and so far all are faring well.
Data is transmitted from the sensors using wireless acoustic telemetry and is received by a hull mounted hydrophone.
Burrows are located using telemetry - adult birds caught on the surface are fitted with a small transmitter and tracked to their burrows.
January 7 - Robert Bureau flies (and names) the first radiosonde using telemetry, in France.