Present-day military forces of an informational society conduct very intense and complicated communicating activities on a daily basis, using modern high-tech telecommunications and computing methods.
We should be talking about how we can fund plans already developed by educators to use educational telecommunications.
Our users can order documents from the world's leading information centers on medicine and health care using telecommunications.
The most common wireless technologies use electromagnetic wireless telecommunications, such as radio.
Some of the nation's biggest newspapers are forming a research consortium to explore new ways to use computers and telecommunications to deliver news.
My personal concern is for the good will the United States has lost at a time when we are using telecommunications to promote greater international understanding and better relations.
If there are no similar networks, then the network planner must use telecommunications forecasting methods to estimate the expected traffic intensity.
This was one of the pioneering companies using telecommunications for small business purposes.
On the microeconomic scale, companies have used telecommunications to help build global business empires.
Robert Sheeran, the president of Seton Hall, quarreled with the notion that students could not be taught to use telecommunications wisely.