This is particularly clear given that the result was also obtained using nonsense syllables rather than meaningful words (Kleinsmith & Kaplan, 1964).
Many songs use only a few real words, interspersed among numerous vocables, or non-lexical syllables like ai-ya-yainga.
He was also skilled at scat singing (vocalizing using sounds and syllables instead of actual lyrics).
Instead of speaking using syllables within its own name, Staryu makes grunting/gargling noises, probably because it doesn't actually have a mouth.
She went back to the paper and jotted down another variation, then lifted the lutar once more, using nonsense syllables to sing the patterns.
Traditional Japanese Dojo generally use single syllables beginning with a vowel.
"Once they leave, we will need to practice, using blank syllables."
Most linguists believe that no language uses syllables containing four or more morae.
Since Glaze's time, experiments using nonsense syllables typically control association value in order to reduce variability in results between stimuli.
The calls of birds have been described using words or nonsense syllables or line diagrams.