This is of course a tedious job, which is why scientists prefer to use superconductors at room temperature.
Scientists envision using superconductors to build extremely fast electronic circuits, because electricity would flow freely.
But it is still actively developing wires using already known superconductors, an endeavor in which it is a world leader.
The project's declared goal is to provide 50% of the world's electricity by 2050, using superconductors to deliver the power to distant locations.
This was one of the first integrated circuits, although using superconductors rather than semiconductors.
The report said it should be possible, using superconductors, to develop a "petaflop" computer, capable of performing a million billion mathematical operations a second.
Others also point out that the Japanese, despite their laboratory progress, do not seem to be moving quickly to develop commercial computers using superconductors.
The company name refers to their first qubit designs, which used d-wave superconductors.
Using magnets and superconductors, a surgeon might be able to perform brain surgery without opening the skull.
The motivation for using superconductors in RF cavities is not to achieve a net power savings.